
Heidi Weisslein. The Storyteller

"If you can see the magic in a fairytale, you can face the future."

Danielle Steel

Did you know I can also tell you fairytales and stories in English or bilingual (German and English)? Then it's time you get to know that!

As my best lifelong friend, Julia, is living in Noth Dakota I've always been in touch with her for more than 51 years... That means I always communicated with her and her family, guess in which language?

"I lived my life in the words of a Storyman,

Watched my dreams from the years gone by,

Heard my voice in the songs of a Storyman,

Always by my side, always by my side..."

These are a few lines from a song of one of my favourite singers, Chris de Burgh, "The Storyman". I always loved his way to write his songs as stories which you could dig deep in. He's Irish - and Ireland is the land of fairies, elves and mysteries... That's what I want to do - tell (maybe true?) stories, fairytales and legends...

I hope we shall see some day soon!

Fairytales and stories are balm for your soul!

Yours, Heidi Weisslein. The Storyteller

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